The Fox News bullshit factory is crumbling

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

I’ve been kind of hard on CNN lately. And they deserve all the criticism. But amidst their implosion, they’ve managed to do one thing right. They’ve kept Jim Acosta. Acosta is still with the network, and his role has even been expanded. I suppose even a network like CNN can get it right at least once.

And Acosta’s snarky and brutally honest way of reporting hasn’t changed. Just look at the label he bestowed upon Fox. As you know, Fox non-news is waste-deep in shit right now. The reason for that is that their lies are surfacing in their never-ending lawsuit with Dominian voting systems.

Fox, as you know, does not seem to DO much except lie. And as more and more testimony from Rupert Murdock and his little propaganda artists surfaces, we see that more and more. And Acosta’s been reporting on it. And as Acosta is prone to do, he has gifted the non-news network with a new nickname. The bullshit factory.

I like this. No — I love it. This is the type of reporting we need. We need more blunt and fearless journalists like Jim, who are unafraid to tell the truth and not both sides it. The bullshit factory is indeed an apt name for Fox. This is because all their workers seem to do is create, curate, manufacture, and design bullshit.

Bullshit to the left of us and bullshit to the right. Bullshit about democrats. Bullshit about women and LGBTQ people and President Biden. Some of the bullshit sounds convincing. Some does not. However, make no mistake, it is nothing but bullshit, finely tuned and lovingly touched up by fox bullshitters like Tucker Carlson, Laura Ingraham, and Sean Hannity.

And, of course, the viewers that watch fox are part of the problem. Do they know they’re complicit in the shoveling of bullshit? I doubt most of them would care. But we need more reporters like Acosta — unafraid, courageous, and all too willing to call out the never-ending stream of Fox bullshit for what it is.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Reportโ€™s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.