The four horsemen of Donald Trump’s apocalypse

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world – Click here.

As the debate inches ever closer, I’ve been thinking. I’ve been thinking about what questions I’d like to see asked of his royal traitor. There are A LOT. But I will tell you about some of them and why this writer has them on her wish list.

Question one:

How do you feel, Mr. Trump, about being found to have committed sexual assault? I am YEARNING for this question to be asked. Of course, Trump will likely go on a tangent against E. Jean, whom I am sure will be watching patiently, knowing the inevitable answer to that question. Don’t forget. It’ll be live on air with MILLIONS watching.

Question number two:

How do you feel, Mr. Trump, about being a convicted felon? Oh my! That’ll definitely put Trump over the edge. It’s going to come, you know it is. There are so many potential earthquakes for Trump! There are so many holes potentially opening that he could fall through!

Question number three:

How can you say you’d be GOOD FOR women when you yanked away Roe? Trump will likely lie and say how every woman in the country is THRILLED with Roe being left to the states. This will alienate voters, particularly female ones, as they view a creep lying about how they feel.

Question number four:

What do you plan to do about Obamacare?

This presents a massive opportunity because Trump has talked many times about taking it away. Will Trump admit it on stage? Or will he be forced to lie through his teeth that he plans to keep it? His dislike of Obama is so strong that I’m not sure he CAN lie about this.

Of course, there are other questions but these are the big four — the ones I want to see Donald Trump meltdown over.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world – Click here.