The first step has finally been taken

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In popular iconography, Jesus Christ or Jesus of Nazareth is depicted as a white male with long hair and a beard wearing flowing white robes. In a bizarre move indicative of a corrupt mind, Donald Trump released a courtroom pastel sketch of himself seated next to such a man. The artist wished to convey the idea that Jesus is somehow magically seated next to Trump and is, in some sense, “with” Trump.

The idea is strange on so many levels I hardly know where to begin. Jesus is a traditional symbol of peace, forbearance and forgiveness. Trump is a man of violence, hate and vengeance. A pastel of Trump seated next to Attila the Hun or Adolf Hitler would be far more congruent and make far more sense. But Trump seated with Christ is a measure of the extent to which Donald Trump’s followers have become a cult.

But not even Jesus can help Trump now. The judge presiding over Donald Trump’s civil fraud case issued a limited gag order after the court-identified rapist and four times indicted ex-president made “disparaging” remarks about a court clerk. Trump has attacked Judge Arthur Engoron’s court clerk in a post for the first and last time.

Tuesday, on his failing, second-rate social media site, “Truth” Social, Trump posted a picture of principal clerk Allison Greenfield with Democratic Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer at a campaign event. In the post, Trump referred to Ms Greenfield as “Schumer’s girlfriend” and said that the case against him should be dismissed.

After a short break, Judge Arthur F. Engoron did not mention anyone by name but referenced the social media incident saying that “a defendant” had “posted to a social media account a disparaging, untrue and personally identifying post about a member of my staff.”

The judge went on to say that “Personal attacks on members of my court staff are unacceptable, inappropriate and I will not tolerate them under any circumstances. Failure to abide by this order will result in serious sanctions.” Judge Engoron further said that his statement should be considered a gag order forbidding any posts, emails or public remarks about members of his staff.

No sooner had Judge Engoron issued the limited gag order, than Donald Trump deleted the offending post faster than Kevin McCarthy was removed as Speaker of the House. The post was just that inappropriate and just that offensive.

The first step, albeit a small one, has finally been taken. A judge has finally done the unthinkable. He’s issued a gag order against Trump and, lo and behold, the world did not crumble into a million pieces or burst into flames. Judge Engoron has at last been the first to take a courageous step, much the same way Alvin Bragg took the first courageous step by indicting Trump.

Now it’s time for some sweeping gag orders to force this toxic orange cretin to shut up. Now it’s time for some judge somewhere to take Judge Engoron’s limited gag order and raise it to a full, generic gag order. Trump needs to understand that the next time he opens his stupid mouth and starts snarling insults, threats, disparagements and promises of executions against witnesses and officers of the court, he is going to go to jail. And, as ever, ladies and gentlemen, brothers and sisters, comrades and friends, stay safe.

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