The end of Trumpism

As you know, my friends, I am an avid reader. I want to share an interesting experience I had recently while reading a book because it’s very relevant to America, and what I see has happened and is still happening today.
This particular book I was reading was about life in Ancieent Rome. It could be a violent and bloody life where striking down one’s enemies was often commonplace. The ancient Roman people enjoyed going to the games to watch gladiators fight each other. They could do that while audiences screamed in ecstasy, often falling into frenzied shouting and become animalistic in their exaltation.
This book was violent to the point where I wondered how I might get through it. Several times, I considered not finishing. It made me queasy, all the gore and the visceral shouts of joy at others’ misfortunes.
But, my friends, as the book went on, I became — not numb to it all exactly but less squeamish. I was resigned to all by the time it was over. And it got me thinking — could the author have been writing it that way to show how easily it is to desensitize one?
Think about Trumpism. When it started, people were repelled. They still are to an extent, but Trump’s fits and temper tantrums have been normalized. They’ve been normalized by gleeful media, joyous pundits whose need for clicks have become over the top, and bored little empty minds with nothing better to do than celebrate every loathsome Truth Social post, every repelling act, and every betrayal of America.
It is easy enough to fall into the rabbit hole. Cruelty has been part of our world for centuries. There is something about the frenzy of a mob that impels disaster. I think we can and we must do better. If there is one thing we know, it is that the normalization of these things is LETHAL.
Fickleness is one thing we have on our side, which might sound surprising, but it is true. What do I mean by that? Well — think about it. Since the beginning of time, WHAT one thing has been a constant in our lives?
It’s evolution. Evolution and change in everything we do, have done, and are. These times of ancient Roman customs eventually passed. So, too, will Trumpism. This is because through fallen dynasties and victory marches, through dynasties and rulers and presidencies, the one thing that has remained constant is that people eventually, at some point, move on.
Times change. Customs vanish in the wind, making way for change, new policies, new ways of governing, and new political stars. Out with the old and in with the latest is the one constant guiding all of us and THAT is what will eventually end Trumpism completely..