The Donald Trump campaign is in crisis

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“In crisis.” That’s how many are now describing the shitshow that is Donald John Trump’s campaign. What is putting the campaign in crisis? The answer is — everything. First, the Trump campaign is being outraised by the Harris campaign faster than the speed of light. It would seem donors just aren’t giving to the Trump campaign the way they once did.

States. The Trump team has pulled out of New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Virginia, where they never should have been because those are blue states, not red. But one supposes the Trump team had some daydreams about winning those states. You can see how well that worked out for them!

Then there is the memo Bill Palmer told you about, warning all Trump staff not to talk to the press. HMM… This writer has an inquisitive mind, so I can’t help wondering what the traitor’s done now and what type of scandal is about to come out for the hapless campaign.

Then, of course, there is Trump’s lack of rallies. Is that the doing of the campaign handlers? I wouldn’t blame them.

Trump can’t be counted on not to go off script at these rallies and veer into crazy-land, talking of sharks, electrocution bacon, and Hannibal Lecter. Then, of course, Donald Trump’s absolute TERROR is doing any debates. You’d know why if you’d seen his town hall with Sean Hannity. The man can’t speak anymore, and I wouldn’t call what he does rambling either; it’s far worse than that. Trump goes into his private Idaho where jumping from topic to topic in the space of about five seconds is considered rational behavior.

Last but certainly not least are Turmp’s poll numbers, which are not very good(that’s the politically correct way of putting it). Allow me not to be politically correct. His poll numbers stink to high heaven. He is rarely ahead in ANY poll, and he knows it. So, we have a political campaign that is falling through quicksand. Can it be rescued? I highly doubt it. I think just the opposite — that there will be MORE incompetence, adverse events, and all-around idiocy from the trump campaign.

Personal note from Bill Palmer – I need your help. If each of you can send $5 right now to help cover Palmer Report's operating expenses, it'll make all the difference in the world: Click here.