The DOJ’s arrest of New York’s Democratic Lt. Governor Brian Benjamin is bad news for a number of Republicans

The DOJ just indicted and arrested New York’s Democratic Lieutenant Governor Brian Benjamin on corruption charges. That’s not exactly good news for the Democratic Party. We’re about to see a number of doomsday headlines about how this will supposedly harm the Democrats in the 2022 race for Governor of New York. But there’s no indication that this scandal involves New York Governor Kathy Hochul – and most voters never care about Lieutenant Governor anyway.
What this does show is that the Garland DOJ intends to bust all corrupt politicians across the board – and as we know, most of the corrupt ones are Republicans.
“But Garland is only targeting Democrats!” No he’s not. The Garland DOJ has already indicted and convicted House Republican Jeff Fortenberry. There will surely be more where that’s coming from.
Also, major news outlets have reported that a DOJ grand jury has been subpoenaing evidence against members of Congress who tried to obstruct the election certification. So no, they’re not going to just “get away with it all.”
By the way, did you hear any buzz about the New York Lt. Governor being under DOJ investigation before he got arrested today? The Garland DOJ doesn’t work that way. You have to ignore the pundits who insist that “so and so can’t be under investigation because nothing has leaked!” With the Garland DOJ, that claim keeps proving to be wrong over and over.