DOJ carries out “court-authorized law enforcement activity” in Donald Trump’s fake elector scheme

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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The DOJ has reportedly had a grand jury targeting Trump’s fake elector scheme for months. Yesterday the DOJ carried out “court-authorized law enforcement activity” against multiple people involved in the plot, per the Washington Post. The game is clearly afoot.

We’re about to hear a lot of people asking why the DOJ waited so long, or why the January 6th Committee is having to do the DOJ’s job for him. But given that the DOJ has been investigating this for months, that’s nonsense. So what’s really going on here?

It’s highly possible that the DOJ probe has simply reached this stage of its own accord, and has nothing to do with this week’s public hearings. Coincidences do happen. It’s also possible that the testimony transcripts the January 6th Committee recently turned over have opened up new avenues for the DOJ to pursue. The reality is that, for now at least, we just don’t have any way of knowing.

Keep in kind that we only know perhaps 5% of what’s going on in a sensitive DOJ probe while it’s playing out – and typically only when subpoena targets go running to the media. There’s no reason to presume this is the first fake elector whose home the DOJ has raided.

What we do know: the DOJ is far enough into its fake elector probe that it’s coming up against the kind of unfriendlies who feel compelled to tip off the media and/or it’s carrying out the kind of law enforcement action in plain sight that neighbors see and tell the media about. So we can probably expect more such revelations going forward. Though not necessarily today or tomorrow.

And keep in mind that no matter how much leaks out to the media, it’ll still probably only be perhaps 5% of what the DOJ is really doing at any given time. People who are voluntarily cooperating generally don’t run to the media about it, and most subpoena targets don’t either. In other words, the DOJ is certainly much further along in this probe than what we’re hearing about it at any given time.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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