The Blue Wave continues

Over the past three and a half years, the Democrats have generally dominated in special elections, midterm elections, and off-year elections. When the Democrats lost the CA25 special election earlier this month, Palmer Report explained that while we should study what went wrong there, it appeared to have been a fluke that was specific to what had been playing out in that district.
Sure enough, we’re now seeing evidence that the Blue Wave is continuing unabated. Last night Massachusetts held special elections for two State Senate seats, both of which had been controlled by Republicans. The Democrats ended up flipping both seats. This is far more typical of the trend we’ve been seeing throughout 2017, 2018, and 2019, in which the rise of the Resistance and Donald Trump’s toxic unpopularity have combined to turn seats blue that were thought to have been unassailably red. If the Resistance keeps working hard and working smart, this will all culminate in Trump’s ouster in November.