The Biden comeback story is fully underway

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I’ve spent the past two weeks asking myself where we’d be if the media hadn’t spent the past two weeks hyperbolically and clownishly attacking President Biden over his middling debate performance. I still haven’t landed on an answer. But with the way things are now playing out, I’m almost wondering if these clowns in the media unwittingly helped us.

As a result of the media’s dishonestly cartoonish attacks on Biden, we’ve seen a cavalry of leading Democrats coming out of the woodwork to fiercely have his back. We’ve seen a spike in Biden’s fundraising. We’ve seen a spike in volunteer signups. And we’ve seen Biden coming out swinging in a way that we’ve all been hoping for. It’s as if the media has pissed off the Democratic base so much that we’re now more determined than ever to make sure we win this

The kicker is that the fundamentals of the race haven’t really changed. Polls have to be taken with a grain of salt. But the polls say that this is still a roughly tied race. In fact the 538 polling average now gives Biden a 51% chance of winning and Trump a 49% chance of winning. In other words Biden hasn’t been hurt by the media’s idiotic onslaught. And now more folks on our side understand that we have to actively fight back against the media’s false narratives, roll up our sleeves, and win this election ourselves.

So let’s keep voicing our support for Biden. Let’s keep making sure everyone knows that Project 2025 is an extremist disaster and that Trump is the face of Project 2025. Let’s keep pressuring the media to talk about the fact that Trump is basically in hiding. And let’s donate, volunteer, phone bank, and do voter registration drives so we can win this. Support Palmer Report. Click here.

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