The backlash against the media is fully underway

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As I watched in disbelief, approximately five minutes before I started on this article, Katy Tur of MSNBC “reported” that Rep. James Clyburn had “left the door open” on Biden s dropping out of the race. Clyburn didn’t. He has said — he has said FROM THE BEGINNING, that he stands with Biden.

The media, bright, and flamboyant flies that they are, seem to have lost control of their buzzers. So, like the irritating creatures that they are, they flit about, rather crazed , and UTTERLY desperate to create drama.

They long for it, their souls yearning for it. All around them, instead of seeing important news to report on, they see scoops of drama. Katy Tur. Jake Tapper. The NY Times. Many in the media have let us down lately. But someone is noticing. That someone is actually a plural. That is the voters.

Yes, the media backlash has begin and it’s swelling to a crescendo. The following comments I present to you are real comments from real Democratic voters, the type of comments many of these media leeches might not want you to see.

Of course, some posters are not all in on Joe. But some are—a lot are, especially after the press conference. So look and behold and comfort yourself with the groundswell of love that rumbles — for our president.

These comments have been taken from message boards and social media; all typos are included:

“I hope Biden knows that the collective swarming of the NY Times maybe a coordinated effort to undermine him.”

“Hey media, stop trying to short circuit democracy.”

“How can people who are members of a party that outlawed ageism DO this to Biden ? disgusting.”

“Biden’s strongest point is that he is a far better human than Trump.”

“Enough! Stop talking about it already.”

“This race is about a convicted felon but the media is saying Biden not the felon, should step down.”

“I watched the press conference. Biden has my 100 percent support.”

“Dear media: start going after Trump.”

“All the ink you have wasted trying to push out Biden could have better spent highlighting the danger of project 2025.”

“I challenge the TV pundits to do one show without mentioning Biden’s name and talk only about project 2025.”

“Talk about helping Trump!”

‘This is why nobody trusts you! You all have an agenda.”

“Biden seems perfect fine. It’s media that could use a mental health exam.”

So, my friends, it seems the voters are pretty good at sniffing out bullshit. The question is — will the media learn from their mistakes?

Sadly, I am guessing not because, once again, it always comes back to that one thing: that dastardly candle, that burns bright, that merry evil clown and mischief maker, that carnival of conflict, that gleefully steals humility and replaces it with arrogance. Hubris. The media is filled to the rim with it.

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