Thank you Liz Cheney

It is rare indeed when people stand up to the crowd. Group-think is a reality that many fall victim to. For Republicans Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger, their willingness to take on the Republican machine should earn them some respect — and it has from many, including myself. I would never vote for either of these two, but I appreciate and respect their courage in bucking the GOP system.
Unfortunately, most Republicans don’t. In fact, most of them are fuming about it. This must be why at least 50 members of the insurrection party have rallied behind a resolution that would expel Kinzinger and Cheney from the party. Their sins seem to be standing up for police, for the Capitol and seeking justice.
But being that the GOP hates justice, couldn’t care less about our Police, and don’t really want to know anything more about January 6, it stands to reason they wouldn’t want to see bravery as as a quality in members of their twisted and pathetic party.
The resolution could come to a vote any day now. It first has to clear the committee, and then all GOP members would have a vote. The committee is meeting this week in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Republican Johnathan Barnett of Arkansas called the January 6 investigation “an inquisition.” It is tragic indeed when two brave Republicans — possibly the ONLY ones with courage IN the GOP — now stand to be expelled.
But it also shows just why we need to win the midterms. The GOP wants to suppress the truth of what happened on that bloody and terrible day. We knew that. But now it appears they want to excommunicate not the traitors but the champions who stood tall for the glory of America and wouldn’t let her be conquered by evil.