Texas Governor Greg Abbott just made a huge mistake

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Every state has its own defining characteristics — things that make that particular state unique. For example, Maine has her lovely lighthouses and glorious sea-filled coastline. Colorado has its magnificent mountains, which oh-so-many have sketched. New York City never sleeps, Illinois has the Chicago Gold coast, and Florida’s sultry and sandy beaches are some of the most captivating in the country. And then there is Texas. Texas is known for her pride. Her lands echo with proud and strong Texans, delighted to be from the Lone Star state.

Only the lone star state is in trouble right now. This is because they have a Governor who seems to screw up daily. He gives new meaning to the word “incompetent.”

Abbott has hurt Texas so much that it’s scary. And his latest stunt might well hurt some more. Abbott is ordering truck inspections at the Mexican border. The problem is that it will do further harm to our supply chain.

“Our state and our nation depend on the reliable, uninterrupted flow of goods to meet our nation’s needs. By implementing this action, Governor Abbott is exacerbating the supply chain crisis to further his crusade at the border.”

“In halting legitimate trade, he is hurting Texans — the people he was elected to serve.” This was from Texas Rep. Vicente Gonzales, a Democrat who tore into Abbott for the damage this would do.

Abbott likely does not give a damn about the damage it will do. It might actually please him. Then he gets to rail against President Biden for inflation while cheerfully keeping the true facts away from Texans. That is why I have decided to highlight it.

Are YOU from Texas? Do you have family there? Friends there? Show them this article. Let people in the proud lands of Texas know their Governor is trying to take away their pride — all they have worked for — with lousy bill after lousy bill. This one is definitely one of the worst. After the midterms, I want to see the swearing-in of Governor Beto O’Rourke.

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.