Donald Trump tests positive for coronavirus

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Donald Trump just announced that he and Melania Trump have both tested positive for coronavirus. This stunning revelation comes a couple hours after Trump announced that he was going into quarantine because he’d been exposed to the virus by his aide Hope Hicks.

So where does this leave things? That’s far from clear. If Donald Trump is suffering from coronavirus symptoms, he and his White House are not admitting to it. This is going to raise all kinds of questions about whether Trump will remain healthy enough to continue doing the job, and if the Trump regime will try to cover it up if he does get too sick to do the job.

It’s worth pointing out that Donald Trump is a morbidly obese seventy-four year old with a poor diet who has long been under the care of quack doctors, and who is widely believed to have suffered a series of mini strokes in late 2019 – and now he has coronavirus. He’s a high risk patient to say the least.

This comes just two days after Donald Trump insisted during the debate that the coronavirus was basically over. It also raises questions about what will happen to Trump’s campaign, which was already falling to pieces.

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