Tesla goes off a cliff

As I’ve said, I abhor violence in ANY way, shape, or form. I also abhor hypocrisy. For years, we’ve watched many, a republican attempt to reframe January sixth as a walk-in the f’in part. It was a nice day, really! They were just taking a tour! January sixth was not an insurrection.
All day, every day for YEARS, the GOP — many of them – refused to come out against American terrorists who basically set the country on fire, one terrible day in January. But now, all of a sudden — these same people want to classify almost EVERYBODY as domestic terrorists.
Just look at these abhorrent deportations. They say they are only deporting the worst of the worst, but many stories have come out about good people — people who have NEVER EVER committed crimes — being arrested, held by IC E, and in some cases — deported.
Then there’s what is happening with Tesla cars. Again, I will say it—violence only begets more violence, and I would like the burning of Tesla cars to STOP! But many people, including our own Attorney General, want to classify these people as terrorists. And worse.
Over on Trump TV (Fox non-news), Host Harris Faulkner actually gloated about the death penalty as an answer to dealing with the Tesla vandals. The sheer hypocrisy here is stunning. All these Republicans were perfectly fine with the J-6TH violence, which they treated with irritation, swatting it away like an annoying little fly.
I do not believe the GOP has ANY moral high ground here. Their moral high ground was lost — forever lost — the first time a police officer was felled, on that awful day not that many years ago.