Robert Mueller is at the end of his ten day window

Back on November 15th, Special Counsel Robert declined to file a required status update in the Paul Manafort cooperation deal, and he instead asked the judge for a ten day delay, promising that important information relevant to Manafort’s deal would soon be revealed. This was widely interpreted as the arrest of one or more big fish sold out by Manafort. Here’s the thing: that window is now ending.
Robert Mueller filed the ten day request on the 15th, but the status update wasn’t due until the 16th. So depending on which day you want to start counting from, his deadline is either today (Sunday) or tomorrow (Monday). That’s something of a moot point, as the courts don’t operate on weekends, meaning the deadline is effectively Monday either way.
The bottom line: Mueller must either indict/arrest someone by tomorrow, or file for another delay tomorrow. Yet thus far, aside from the “accidental” reveal that Julian Assange has already secretly been criminally charged, there hasn’t been a peep about what’s coming. The only other blip on the radar has been Jerome Corsi’s surprise decision to begin negotiating a plea deal, presumably against Roger Stone. So if Stone is one of the people who’s about to get popped, did Mueller have to slow down the timetable a bit in order to include whatever Corsi gives up about Stone?
Or are things still on track, and Robert Mueller is still planning to make arrests tomorrow? As always, Mueller is leaving us with more questions than answers โ but that may be the point. The likes of Roger Stone, Donald Trump Jr, Jared Kushner, and others connected to Manafort are going to bed tonight and wondering if they’ll be awakened by a knock at the door.