Ted Cruz’s podcast meltdown

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Like an annoying buzz from an alarm clock that won’t turn off, Non-Senator Ted Cruz just won’t shut up. His mouth appears to be a giant vulture’s beak that continuously feeds on his own bullshit. It doesn’t ever stop spitting out garbage, and sadly, for Texas, he isn’t up for reelection this year.

Cruz is not taking the fact that President Biden is choosing the next Supreme Court Justice well. He is most likely trying to appease assolini in his preposterous response to this news. Still, the genuflecting he is giving the orange one is completely repulsive even by Ted Cruz standards.

On an episode of his podcast, “Verdict with Ted Cruz,” the Texas deserter let the indignation fly. “That’s offensive,” he wailed. “He’s saying to 94% of Americans; I don’t give a damn about you.”

“Black women represent 7% of the population,” the insurrection supporter went on. “If you’re a White guy, tough luck.” I can see why this man is the most hated person in the Senate. Allow me a few words.

Yes, Mr. Cruz — tough luck. You’re absolutely right. No white men this time. No beer-drinking, keg-loving Justices. No Justices who believe corporations are human beings. Sorry, Teddy.

We will have a beautiful, soulful, country-loving woman of color, Mr. Cruz. Said woman will have the grace of a swan, the majesty of a Tigress, and the iridescence of a Peacock.

She will wear her love of social justice proudly. She will be an agent of change, an extraordinary Justice, and will chew up and spit out fools like yourself. So Mr. Cruz — keep on blabbering away, but few are listening. We are on our way to making history — in the most magnificent of ways — and YOU do not get a say.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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