Ted Cruz gets into humiliating feud with a bunch of college kids

Ted Cruz is, without a doubt, one of the biggest fools in the Senate. Disliked by many and laughed at in rabid fashion by Tweeters everywhere, there is just no curing the Rafael foot-in-mouth virus. And now Rafael is back in the news for yet another stupid move.
It all began at Yale University in the state of Connecticut. Last month a group of students from Yale, protested a visit from a speaker from ADF — Alliance Defending Freedom. This particular speaker was known to be “anti-LGBTQ,” and the group had been labeled by the Southern Poverty Law Centre as a “hate group.”
This group has been advocated for criminalizing homosexuality. They also favor the sterilization of transgender people. The Yale students were not happy. So, they exercised their right to freedom of speech — by protesting. And then it was Rafael to the rescue — the rescue of the hate group, that is.
Seemingly infuriated that the students dared to voice their dislike of something horrible, Cruz dashed off an acid-toned letter to Yale University.
And he demanded punishment — for the STUDENTS. Cruz accused the ivy-league students of not “engaging” with the “panelists.” Well – what exactly did he want the students to do? Ted also claims in this letter that students hurled “obscenities.”
Cruz also appeared aggrieved at the statement Yale had released after the incident defending their students’ right to free speech. Does Teddy-boy think free speech only applies to Republicans? It sure seems that way to me. But Ted insists the students be disciplined. What does he want exactly?
Also adding their wretched signatures to the letter were Utah Senator Mike Lee and Iowa Governor Kim Reynolds. So once again, Ted has humiliated himself with his fertilization of hate and stupidity. He will almost certainly lose if he wants to go up against these magnificent students. The school is proudly standing by its students.
The protesters should be proud of their actions. They should feel great. Non-Violent protests have long been an excellent tool in society and have changed lives and moved many mountains. Once again, Rafael stands alone, unable to find a win, loathed by most, laughed at by almost everyone.