Talk about a missed opportunity for us

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

On Saturday, Donald Trump revealed that his mind is so far gone, he no longer remembers the election in which he ran against Joe Biden. Instead Trump now thinks that Biden got into office by defeating someone named “Obaba.” Shortly after this, Trump’s handlers leaked to the media that they’ll be sharply cutting back on Trump’s in-person rallies going forward, in favor of mostly having Trump “campaign” virtually from home, blaming campaign budget issues for the change.

This is the big, massive, election-turning, politics-upending story we’ve been waiting for. Trump’s senility has gotten so embarrassingly bad, Trump’s handlers are now taking him off the campaign stage. They’re going to have him campaign from his proverbial basement, which won’t help his 2024 hopes at all, because they’ve calculated that having him out there on the campaign trail is even more damaging to his prospects than not having him out there.

And yet even as this stunning development was playing out over the weekend – a “presumptive nominee” for President of the United States basically abandoning the campaign trail in March because he’s fully senile – all that anyone could focus on was the fact that Trump happened to use the word “bloodbath” during his fully senile speech.

Talk about a missed opportunity. Trump’s own people are de facto admitting that Trump is too senile to continue functioning as an actual candidate. This is the breaking news story that could influence every conservative voter who’s been trying to decide whether to vote for Trump or stay home, and every moderate voter who’s been trying to decide whether to vote for Biden or stay home – because no one wants a senile President, and Trump’s own handlers are now acknowledging that he’s senile.

Yet this massive story about Trump’s senility is getting fully buried, simply because Trump used the word “bloodbath.” Has anyone stopped to ask why Trump’s handlers put the “bloodbath” remark into his teleprompter just as they were quietly admitting that they’re largely going to pull him off the campaign trail? It was a distraction. It was a simplistic, two-bit, one-word distraction aimed at getting everyone to start running around yelling “Oh no, there’s going to be violence, we’re doomed” instead of noticing that Trump’s people are pulling him from the campaign trial.

This is why I routinely encourage, and even beg, everyone to resist the urge to merely go along with whatever the media and the Twitter pundits and the talking heads collectively decide is the prevailing narrative on any given day. It’s almost never the important story. It’s never the thing that’ll still be having an impact a week or a month from now.

Look at the opportunity we’re missing by screaming our heads off about the word “bloodbath” instead of amplifying the fact that Trump’s own handlers now agree he’s too senile to let him remain on the campaign trail. The “bloodbath” remark is the kind of thing that all sides expect from Trump by now, and it doesn’t move the needle or change a single vote. But Trump’s senility finally getting so bad that his people are pulling the plug on his rallies? Now that’s a story that could sharply impact the vote total – if only we had the sense to make sure it gets out there.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.