Donald Trump goes totally bonkers as key swing states slip away from him

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With a hundred days to go until Election Day, it’s more important than ever for us to be vigilant when it comes to things like voter registration and voter turnout. But the cold hard reality for Donald Trump is that his 2020 prospects are getting uglier by the day.

Trump’s poll numbers in the crucial swing state of Pennsylvania are bottoming out, with the polling averages now suggesting he’s behind by a whopping seven points. If Trump doesn’t win Pennsylvania, he’ll have little shot at winning the Electoral College. In an arguably even stronger sign of just how badly things are slipping away from Trump overall, the red state of Texas is now statistically tied in the polling averages. If Trump loses Texas, it’s totally over for him.

So it’s not surprising that Donald Trump is melting down today about how Pennsylvania is slipping away from him, tweeting “There is NO WAY a place like Pennsylvania can vote for the Radical Left and their puppet, Joe Biden” – whatever that’s supposed to mean. Trump also tacked on “Likewise, Texas” in an acknowledgement that he’s in trouble in the Lone State state as well.

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