Susan Collins throws a tantrum

Narcissism is extremely prevalent in society, but it seems especially prevalent in certain fields. Hollywood is one. But politics is another. Of course, many a narcissist are attracted to politics. And everybody knows it as well. There would never have been a House of Cards television series without narcissism.
These people love the limelight. But their Achilles heel is that it is almost impossible for the narcissistic person to admit when they’re wrong. “I’m sorry” are not words that come easily to the narcissist. They’re also words one rarely hears in politics. And sometimes, voters get frustrated. And voters WANT to hear their politicians say or do SOMETHING that matters. Perhaps that is what the chalk messenger was thinking.
This person is the one who left a message for Maine Senator Susan Collins. And they sounded desperate. Outside the home of Collins, in beautiful Bangor, Maine, a message — emblazoned in chalk was waiting for Senator Collins. And this message was about abortion rights.
“Susie, Please,” the messenger begged in chalk. “Mainers want WHPA.” This refers to the Women’s Health Protection Act which will be voted on this Wednesday. “Vote yes,” the person pleaded. “Clean up your mess”.
See, that’s the thing. It IS the mess of Collins — she is partially to blame for everything that is happening right now. Only Susie does NOT like being told what to do. We know this from the past. Susie has a history of becoming irritated at anything less than positive reinforcement. Anything else causes her to become deeply concerned.
So, as Susie stood there — staring down at the plea– what must she have been thinking? Was there any intellectual curiosity? Did she have any thoughts about how ANGUISHED this person must have been to leave this note?
Well — no. At least it does not appear so. Susie did what Susie does best — she got concerned — concerned enough to call the police. Look – I am not suggesting people go out and do this. But whoever wrote this must have been in severe emotional pain. And they were pleading.
Bangor Maine Police said the message was “not overtly threatening.” This does not seem to matter to Collins, who issued a gushing and effusive statement against the chalk messenger referring to it as “defacement of public property.” Ah yes — one more thing — Collins plans to vote no when this comes up for a vote tomorrow.