Donald Trump’s stooge Susan Collins goes completely off the rails

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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– Republican Senator Susan Collins announced today that even though she’s not endorsing Donald Trump, she’s fully supporting him. No really, she said this. Those were her words. If you figure out what this gibberish doublespeak means, let us know. Collins is a joke. Vote her out in November and make sure the joke’s on her.

– Donald Trump just said “Reince” five times in fifteen seconds, but he wants us to believe he didn’t have a stroke.

– Currently googling “adderall abuse and strokes”

– Imagine being so racist you think a teddy bear like Cory Booker is scary.

– How badly did Trump screw up today with his oddly specific tweet about not having had a series of mini-strokes? Even Drudge Report is now running it front and center, complete with a photo of Trump losing his balance.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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