“Stupefyingly Stupid”

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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There is an excellent article by Robert Reich that I’d like to point you towards. The article is about nobody’s favorite president, Donald Trump. What is this article about? Well, now — we know the reasons why people should not vote for Donald Trump. Dishonesty? Check. Sociopathy? Double check. Mentally unfit? Triple check. But you see, Reich talks about another reason, and it is something we don’t talk about nearly enough. That reason is the fact that Donald Trump is mind-numbingly stupid.

Donald Trump is achingly, profoundly and deeply stupid — as Reich puts it — “stupefyingly stupid.” Reich writes about Trump’s unending stupidity, which shows in his refusal to stop insulting E Jean Carroll. “My definition of stupidity,” he writes, “is continuing to do something that has so far cost you a minimum of $91 million because you won’t stop doing it.”

This is true. The fact is, Trump is losing his money faster than the speed of light, and it’s all because he is too stupefyingly stupid to know when to shut up. Reich also calls out the mainstream media for not discussing this stupidity, this dumbness, these self-destructive acts of a moron nearly enough. Why, Reich wonders, isn’t it being reported, this something almost every lawmaker and journalist in Washington knows — “that Trump is remarkably stupid?”

“I don’t mean just run-of-the-mill stupid,” he goes on.

“I mean extraordinary, of-the-charts, STUPEFYINGLY STUPID.”

When you’re right, you’re right. It is true that Donald Trump and some of his kin (looking at you, Junior) could possibly win a medal for stupidest people. It is very true that America is far too wildly beautiful to be represented by someone who has never met intelligence and likely never will.

Every rose has its thorn,to be sure, and the biggest rose — The United States of America — undoubtedly, for four years suffered the most prickly thorn, the roughest, the most coarse thorn in this world — and a stupid one at that. Donald Trump’s lack of intelligence has left him an oddity—truly one of the few humans who has not one iota of intelligence.

It is stunning that such a stupid and incoherent person sat in the White House for four years. I agree with Reich that we must remind people that not only is Trump: evil, sociopathic, angry, wicked, nauseating, and vile, but he is also obtuse — blindingly irrevocably, crazily, stunningly stupid, and always will be.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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