Stunning level of incompetence

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

There’s nothing that we can do. These words came from the worst house speaker ever, Kevin McCarthy.He was speaking in reference to helping Israel after the surprise attack from Hamas. Well, isn’t that just peachy? Thank you, Kevin, for showing us that. in addition to being a horrible House Speaker, you’re ALSO not much of a representative. Nothing we can do. Charming!

You see, friends, legislative action to aide Israel is now stalled — because, of course, of the incompetent old party – and the fact that they’ve literally closed the doors of the House and gone fishing.

They’re expected to vote for a new speaker on Wednesday. That’s half a week too long, in my humble view. Israel needs us NOW. Shame on the GOP for not immediately coming back to DC. But Kevin also had this unappetizing news: The selection of a NEW speaker could be “a ways away.”

A ways away? What exactly does that MEAN? Knowing Kevin, it could mean anything from a week to months. One never knows with Republicans. Republican incompetence is leading the GOP in new and repulsive directions. Few republican candidates for President have said one damn word about these vicious attacks on Israel except to vaguely blame Joe Biden.

Say it with me: idiots! Israel — our lovely, warm, precious friend — needs help NOW. Have you seen some of the pictures coming out of there, heard from some of the anguished people?

But it seems just another day for Republicans. I was hoping — really and truly — that both parties could come together on this issue. It seemed if there was ever an issue for coming together, it’d be this one.

But no. Not a chance. A good example is Nikki Haley. She got shredded on TV for trying to blame President Biden for the attacks. Haley, who is barely registering in the polls, apparently is desperate for someone to notice her. Noticed she was but maybe not the way she wanted to be. NBC host Kristin Welker chided her for trying to shift the blame to Biden, saying she was being “irresponsible.”

And yes, She was because I doubt Haley or Kevin or most Republicans give a damn about Israel. That’s a big accusation, I know, and I stand by it. I stand by it because actions always speak louder than words. And I am seeing very little action on the part of the GOP in regards to Israel except the same old, same old.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.