Stunning leaked audio of Donald Trump campaign advisers discussing Trump’s use of the N-word

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

When the news broke that Donald Trump used the N-word to refer to someone on the set of the Apprentice, I wrote that it was a bigger deal than it might initially seem. Sure, Trump’s base loves that he’s a racist, and doesn’t care about his scandals. But as 2024 Republican primary voting keeps showing us, this isn’t about Trump’s base. It’s about the overall Republican voting base, which includes a whole lot of people who are looking for an excuse not to vote or Trump in 2024.

The only catch so far is that there’s no recording of Trump actually saying it. It’s trickier to convince the general public of something when you have to take the word of a staffer. But now leaked audio has emerged of Trump’s campaign people discussing Trump’s use of the N-word:

You can clearly hear former Trump adviser Katrina Pierson saying “He said it. No, he said it. He’s embarrassed.” So while there doesn’t appear to be a recording of Trump saying it, there’s at least a recording of a Trump campaign adviser appearing to admit that Trump said it. You can expect to hear this recording played over and over again as 2024 goes on.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: