Stunned into silence
Throughout 2022 and 2023, all the media (on both sides) could talk about was how bad Joe Biden’s 2024 poll numbers supposedly were, and how bad the Biden economy supposedly was. But Biden’s poll numbers keep trending in the right direction, and the economy is now so booming that even the media can’t get away with characterizing it as being bad.
So instead, the media is largely just saying nothing about Biden at all. This tweet does a remarkable job of summing up how the media has decided to say nothing about Biden now that it can’t come up with anything negative to say about him:
The media has ceased talking about:
• polls – Biden is leading
• the economy – because it's booming
• inflation – it's lower than the rest of the world
• age – Biden and Trump are practically the same age and Trump is insane
They literally have nothing bad to say about…
— I Smoked Matt Gaetz's 17 Yr Old Girlfriend (@BlackKnight10k) April 5, 2024
The cold hard reality is that President Biden has been on track for reelection for every minute of his presidency. Will it be close? Maybe. But Biden has been the odds-on favorite for 2024 all along. The problem is that if the media admits as much, then how is it supposed to scare and outrage viewers into staying tuned in?
So the media has always pretended Biden was in trouble. And now that Biden is doing so well that it can’t pretend he’s in trouble, the media is sort of pretending Biden doesn’t exist. Whatever. It doesn’t change the fact that Biden is in a strong position for 2024. Now let’s go win this.
Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report