Steve Bannon whines and cries in jailhouse interview

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A bitter Steve Bannon spoke to conservative nutcases, Breitbart, in his first interview since his ass was carted off to prison. The man in orange refused to talk about his emotional state, which this writer imagines is likely not very good unless, of course, Bannon has come to the conclusion of something we all know: that prison is his soulmate and where he truly belongs.

But no, he didn’t talk about that. Nor did he talk about the food — or even his visitors list. Instead, Bannon spoke about what will happen when MAGA wins. We are not going to let THAT happen.

Bannon blabbered on loonily, heaping praise on Donald Trump and talking about how “resilient Maga is.” That is not exactly the word THIS writer would have used to describe Maga but wherever floats your behind-bars boat, Stevie.

“MAGA is the personification of the anti-fragile,” crazy exclaimed. ANTI-FRAGILE? Is the man living in reality? Somehow, I doubt it. So, everything is not quiet on the prison front, at least where Bannon is concerned. My guess? Stevie is lonely. He likely did that interview because of that. After all, one would imagine the prison slumber parties aren’t exactly a fireball of fun.

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