Steve Bannon melts down on the eve of his criminal trial

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Uh-oh. SOMEONE is having a meltdown. And this “someone” does not appear to be in a very good mood on this potential last weekend of freedom. I speak of Steve Bannon. This Monday is the beginning of the psycho Bannon’s trial. And it definitely is not something the shaggy-haired maniac is looking forward to.

Bannon is vowing to go “medieval” on his enemies. Oh, dear. Just what is the fool talking about? Perhaps he wants to dress up as a knight at trial. Perhaps he will start quoting renaissance books. Or maybe he just — wants to look tough? I think choice three is the ticket. However, if that’s his goal, he did not succeed.

Bannon made the odd proclamation on his shitty podcast that few listen to. He also rather creepily started referring himself in the third person, a pet peeve of mine. Saying his enemies need prayer, Bannon reiterated that he does not need prayer, nor does Maga. “Not Maga,” he thundered. “Not War Room, and CERTAINLY not Steven K. Bannon.”

A little word to Bannon. If you are speaking of yourself in the third person like that, you certainly DO need prayers — or at least some therapy. This meltdown is causing Twitter much amusement as thousands of people all over get ready for the nutter to make a complete fool of himself in court.

Bannon has run out of options. The Judge has repeatedly refused a trial delay. He has no defense. He’s a wanted man — wanted only by lady Justice — nobody else. It sounds to me like SOMEBODY is frightened. SOMEBODY realizes they’re really not all that important. SOMEBODY is feeling — desperate? Scared? Panicked?

Bannon also literally begged the January 6 committee to let him testify — on Zoom. “I can take the oath on Zoom, deliver that, and we’ll see how good you are, little Jamie Raskin and Liz Cheney and all of it — serve it up!!” I like that phrase — serve it up. So let’s do so. Let’s see what the trial ‘serves up” on Mr. Bannon.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer