Steve Bannon melts down in prison

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“Little boy Blue is blowing his horn, he misses his sheep and is feeling forlorn, But where is the boy who looks after the MAGA sheep? He’s wearing a prison blanket, fast asleep (and screaming bloody murder.)” RELEASE ME!!! Steve Bannon is apparently NOT having an easy time in prison. He’s asked a judge on Thursday to LET HIM GO HOME EARLY.

Wa-wa. Little boy Blue is homesick. In his request to a federal judge, Little Stevie points to his request to challenge the conviction, and his attorneys argue that if such a challenge is accepted, it would dramatically change things.

“Mr. Bannon should not have to serve his entire sentence before the en banc D.C. Circuit or Supreme Court can hear his case.”

Ah, Stevie, Stevie. Have you no shame? This isn’t the first time Bannon has tried something like this. As you can see, friends and readers, these requests have a habit of not working out well for him.

But what is Stevie to do? He’s obviously having a tough time in there. After all, he likely has few opportunities to host a podcast and scream at the “woke” people against him. He gas few ways of pulling cons begging people for money.

Nope. In prison, Bannon is just a tiny speck in an extremely large pool of prisoners—nobody cares what the man does. In fact, it seems many have forgotten about him, even in Maga land. When was the last time you heard about him in the news?

So, this writer does not believe Bannon will get his get-out-of-jail-free card. Alas, he’ll have to continue in prison. I do wonder what his every-day tasks are. Perhaps he got laundry detail? Maybe he’s a cook in a kitchen. Anything’s possible — except for Bannon getting out early.

ALERT: Palmer Report has led the way in political analysis for years. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. We've launched a GoFundMe so you can help us to help you. Help Palmer Report fight and win political battles by donating any amount from $5 to $500, depending on your budget. Donate here.