Steve Bannon’s master plan has backfired on him spectacularly

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Remember all those narratives we heard about how Steve Bannon was going to be able to magically delay his prison sentence forever? Remember all that nonsense about how Bannon was simply going to decline to report to prison, and that it would somehow work out well for him?

As always, such magic wand narratives have proven false. Bannon was required to report to federal prison today or else he’d have become a fugitive and would have been dragged in by U.S. Marshals and given a longer prison sentence. Sure enough, Bannon surrendered himself today and is now in the custody of the federal prison system.

So congratulations to Steve Bannon for having played this whole thing as stupidly as possible. If he’d simply served his four month sentence back when he was supposed to, he’d be out by now. Instead he’ll now be stuck in federal prison for most of the election season, and he’ll still be in federal prison when he goes on state level criminal trial in New York in September. This guy is never getting out.

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