Steve Bannon goes ape shit

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

Steve Bannon has gone completely insane. I suppose it has something to do with the fact that he will soon be imprisoned. Don’t you just LOVE the sound of those words?

Little Stevie seemingly cannot handle the fact that his slimy ass is soon to be the property of the Connecticut penitentiary system. In that regard, he has come out derangedly promising to see to it that Merrick Garland is imprisoned. I mean it’s just — it’s just — it’s just so unendingly hilarious.

This guy is going away for a while. He’s going to the clink for breaking the law. So, now, what’s he doing? Threading the head of the Department of Justice. Ah, Stevie—your pain is our utter delight:

“Merrick Garland!!!!!”

“Merrick Garland, I say this!”

“You’re going to be the target of a massive investigation!’

“You’re going to go from the supreme court to prison!!’


(That’ll tell him, Stevie!)

“This is a vast criminal conspiracy under your guidance.”

Savor it, dear readers. Savor the crazy.

“The republicans played patty cake.”

“They played patty cake.”

“That ain’t happening now.”

“You’re getting smash mouth.”

Patty Cake?

What in hell is the scum talking about?

On message boards and social media, people wasted NO time having a field day with THIS little message

“Does anything Bannon says ever make sense?”

“report to jail!”

“The alcohol withdrawal will be epic.”

“His poor, poor, cellmate.”

“Be gone, moron.”

“Bloated windbag.”

“He gets my vote for most vulgar.”

“They’re gonna put him in the mental wing.”

I end this article with this observation. Do you know what might be KILLING Bannon? He’ll be locked up from the countdown until almost election time! No Bannon threats will be heard. No Bannon speeches. No Bannon radio. Just little Stevie, an orange jumpsuit, and a cell. It doesn’t get any better.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: