Turns out Steve Bannon and Erik Prince are on track for prison after all

We all know that corrupt Attorney General Bill Barr is doing everything he can to derail the prosecution of any of Donald Trump’s henchmen or allies who have committed crimes. But in the latest reminder that Trump and Barr are likely going to be gone from office in a few months, the Senate Intelligence Committee has requested in bipartisan fashion that three of Trump’s allies be criminally prosecuted.
According to a new report from the Los Angeles Times, the Senate Intel Committee has asked the DOJ to criminally investigate Steve Bannon, Erik Prince, and Sam Clovis for lying to Congress, which is a felony. This letter was sent before Republican Chairman Richard Burr recused himself amid an insider trading scandal. So why does this criminal referral matter?
Even though Bill Barr is surely blocking any of these three guys from being prosecuted right now, if Donald Trump loses the election, Trump and Barr will both be gone. The Biden DOJ will simply follow proper legal procedure, which will mean criminally investigating and prosecuting Bannon, Prince, and Clovis. Trump can try to pardon them on his way out the door. But by that time Trump will be trying to fend off his own prison prospects in New York State, and may have his hands full.
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report