Stephen Miller is in real trouble

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Stephen Miller came back into prominence this past week when his former third grade teacher accused him of having been a weirdo who liked to eat glue. Of course Miller’s real sin is that he’s a white supremacist, as evidenced by his role in masterminding Donald Trump’s child concentration camps. Now is a good time for a reminder that Special Counsel Robert Mueller is targeting Miller as part of his criminal investigation.

How do we know this? Last November, even as Robert Mueller was making big headlines by indicting and arresting people like Paul Manafort and Rick Gates, he also began quietly interviewing Donald Trump’s White House advisers. Various major media outlets had been speculating that Mueller would start with Hope Hicks. While he did get to her eventually, it turned out Mueller’s very first interview with a White House adviser was with Stephen Miller.

Based on what’s long been widely reported, we know that when Donald Trump decided to fire FBI Director James Comey, he sat down with Stephen Miller one weekend and hammered out a letter explaining the firing. That letter was such a blatant confession to felony obstruction of justice, White House Counsel Don McGahn ended up scuttling it. Days later, Trump fired Comey and used a different letter, this one from the DOJ, as his justification. Mueller ended up getting his hands on that Trump-Miller letter.

It’s not difficult to parse that Robert Mueller made a bee line for Stephen Miller because he considered Miller to be the central White House figure in Donald Trump’s obstruction of justice antics. By definition, if Mueller considered that letter to be an illegal act of obstruction on Trump’s part, then he also saw it as an illegal act of obstruction on Miller’s part. That means Stephen Miller is going to be charged with felony obstruction – which carries jail time with it – unless he cuts a plea deal.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report knows how to fight and win. We're going to win this election. But we need your help. We have operating expenses from website hosting to research. If each of you can donate either $5, $25, or $47, it'll make a huge difference. Help Palmer report keep fighting for you:
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