Stephen Miller is even more of a monster than we thought

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,378 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Ripping apart children from their asylum-seeking families will long be remembered as one of the Trump administration’s darkest acts. This zero-tolerance policy resulted in thousands of innocents being detained in cages, traumatized and alone, causing irreparable harm. Thanks to new information, we now know that the ringleaders of this atrocity are somehow even more morally depraved than we thought.

According to two officials who spoke with NBC News, Stephen Miller demanded a meeting in May 2018 with ten other Trump senior advisors after he became livid about the U.S. border agents’ delay in separating children from their parents. Miller praised family separation as a powerful deterrence tool, callously ignoring the fact there were human souls involved. Even worse, Miller fantasized about expanding the policy in ways that would have orphaned some 25,000 additional children.

Miller warned the other advisors that any opposition would be illegal and un-American, then asked for a show of hands in favor of proceeding with child separation. Former Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen stood out by voting no, although her dissent was strictly based on logistical concerns. Nielsen’s fear was that the DHS would be ill-equipped to pull off such a heinous crime successfully. Not a single one of the 11 advisors at the meeting questioned this reprehensible policy on moral grounds.

In a related development this week, Miles Taylor, who served as Nielsen’s Chief of Staff, released both a testimonial ad and a Washington Post op-ed slamming Trump over this policy and regretting his involvement. “Given what I’ve experienced in the administration, I have to support Joe Biden for President,” he said. “Even though I’m not a Democrat, even though I disagree on key issues, I’m confident that Joe Biden will protect the country, and I’m confident he won’t make the same mistakes as this President.”

Taylor also revealed that Trump did not want to hear others tell him that his policies were illegal because he claimed he had “magical authorities.” As Palmer Report often points out, Donald Trump does not have a magic wand, which is why his evil family separation policy was doomed from the start. Biden does not care about magic wands because he instead has what it takes to be President of the United States. The Democratic National Convention made clear that a Biden-Harris administration will value immigration and respect human dignity—while maintaining a zero-tolerance policy for Trumpian cruelty.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,378 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer