Stark raving mad

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Donald Trump was supposed to be preparing for a debate; however, his incoherency continues to grow. The press mercilessly went after President Biden over his age, trying to convince everyone that he lacked the mental acuity to serve another term as president. Yes, President Biden did seem to mumble at times and lose his train of thought, but he was never as bad as Donald Trump. Yet, the media stayed far away from the topic. Trump is only 3 years younger than Biden, and he’s crazy. Perhaps they believe that by sidling up to him, he’ll stop calling them “fake,” but that’s what they became when they decided to attack Biden while ignoring Trump.

If you’ve had the displeasure of listening to some of Trump’s recent speeches, you know just how batty he has become. The roundabout answer he recently gave the Economics Club should have been a hint. If that didn’t do it, his “speech” in Wisconsin last weekend should be the deciding factor. He called Elon Musk “Leon.” Then, he turns to his most recent tall tale that is so far out that no one could possibly believe him. According to Trump, they now have operating rooms in schools so that they can change your child’s gender. MSNBC showed some of these clips during a discussion between Ayman Mohyeldin, Molly Jong-Fast (political analyst), Tara Setmayer (Seneca Project CEO), and Tom Nichols (the Atlantic). Mohyeldin mentioned that Trump’s “speeches” are becoming so rambling that even his supporters have been walking out on him.

Molly Jong-Fast answered the question about the media. She said that they cannot report on Trump’s seeming mental problems because they’ll seem partisan. They weren’t afraid of seeming partisan while denigrating President Biden.? This really makes no sense. Mohyeldin then asked whether his rambling is starting to get to his followers or whether they’re turned off by “the same old tired playbook.” Setmayer said it’s “all of the above.” Setmayer clarified that she’s not referring to the “culty” Trump followers but the others, and they just seem tired of him. What took them so long? He’s been in the spotlight for several years now, and he’s never been a great orator. He insults, he talks shit, and he never answers a question. Most of it is because he can talk a big game, but he cannot answer the “why.” Kamala Harris has been clear on where her funds to prop up the middle class will derive. She outlines what sounds like a good plan. Trump is too consumed by his own inner rage and his attempts to hide his ignorance about government. Setmayer said that people want to hear more from Trump, but we hear the same old thing. When he tries to go farther, “we hear the absolute insanity.” She called his “speeches” the “absolute ramblings of a lunatic.”

Donald Trump is a lunatic. We’ve known that for quite some time now. The mystery is why these people still want him in power, knowing that he’s not going to do anything for them and will, in fact, do things that will hurt them. The human brain is a funny thing.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can