Speaker Nancy Pelosi calls out Kevin McCarthy

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House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy is having one heck of a week – and not the good kind. He ousted his own number three, Liz Cheney, in a move that has only brought him controversy. Then he stood against the January 6th commission, but dozens of his own House Republicans still voted for it.

Speaker Nancy Pelosi has had quite enough of Kevin McCarthy’s nonsense. She posted this tweet today, highlighting McCarthy’s worsening scandals and controversy:

During a press conference, Pelosi was asked if McCarthy and other House Republicans are afraid of being subpoenaed by the 1/6 commission. Her response: ““I don’t know, you’ll have to ask them what they’re afraid of. You’ll have to ask them. But it sounds like they’re afraid of the truth, and that’s most unfortunate. But hopefully they’ll get used to the idea that the American people want us to find the truth, and that is what we intend to do.”

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