Something’s got to give

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

Madness is often a river that flows with no end. And when it hits, the recipient of that flow usually cannot find their way out of this delirium—ultimately being destroyed by its force. So, I have a prediction to make. It is not something I do lightly.

But after two or so months of observing Donald Trump in his natural state—insanity—I think that he will not make it through four years of this. I don’t know HOW his resignation will come to pass. Perhaps he will do something so egregious that he will actually be impeached.

Maybe he will quit. Possibly he will be forced out. Possibly, he will simply go mad, as many before him have done for centuries. Even madness is not so exceptional; it’s happened to others, and it certainly can happen to him.

Trump is not built to withstand having to abide by rules. He is not made to experience and deal with, crisis. Therefore, it is impossible for him to do his job, and it is also impossible for him to sustain any outward appearance of normalcy.

We already know that. Look at where we ARE. It has got to the point where Republicans are running from their own constituents! Again and again, they run, night creatures running away from town halls, from any and all contact with their voters.

The American people are becoming increasingly upset. There is virtually nothing Trump can do to turn the tables, to try and grasp sanity’s cool waters. He has let in the cyclone, and now it’s too late.

If you think me overly dramatic, look at our “President.” Look at him! He’s a shell of even who he was when he was in office the first time; he has meltdowns nearly daily now. His sanity has sunsetted. It is gone. THAT IS ALL ANYONE IS TALKING ABOUT. Realistically, then, I do not see how this can be sustained for four years.

Something’s got to give, and we will see. Perhaps I’m wrong. I could be. I think not, though. I watch this man in the grip of some giant madness, some type of brain melt — and I’m being serious — and it does not look like he will be a full-term president because he has already, at just a few months in, entered some type of time machine, that’s speeded up all the crap. It has pushed forward all the madness, all the disease in his head, that has bounced him around and ground him to bits.

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can