Something wrong with this guy

Donald Trump was never good for the American people. By now, everyone has heard and read about Bob Woodward’s upcoming book release, but there’s plenty of evidence of Trump’s lack of care. It’s all about him and what he wants. According to the Washington Post, Trump quashed additional investigations into Brett Kavanaugh, who now sits on the Supreme Court for life, helping to turn the Court into a partisan joke. WaPo used a report created by Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), which provided new information on the Trump administration’s control over the investigation into Kavanaugh. Apparently, messages were forwarded directly to the White House from the FBI’s tip line and never went any further. Trump was determined to have Kavanaugh on the bench so that he could help the others overturn Roe v. Wade. Amy Coney Barrett made it official. While Trump talked a big game about allowing the FBI to investigate as they saw fit, he did no such thing. Now, he’s trying to get back into office to do more damage.

Should Trump win in November, he and other Republicans are planning how they want to change Medicare, and you best believe it won’t be to benefit the people. Just like social security, people have paid into Medicare for years. Changing anything about those benefits is like stealing money from the American people—all the American people who have been working and paying into the system for decades. Even as Trump claims he wants to protect Medicare, Republicans want to deregulate Medicare and involve the private sector. Considering how the private sector runs insurance companies, this doesn’t sound like a great idea. They also claim that Democrats are allowing “millions” of immigrants to enroll in Medicare, which is not true. According to WaPo, only legal immigrants who meet the same work and eligibility requirements as U.S. citizens are eligible for federal benefits, especially Medicare. Republicans love using immigrants as their “go-to” excuse for what’s wrong with the country. They are what’s wrong with the country. Kamala Harris, alternatively, wants to use Medicare to help even more.

Harris wants to expand Medicare for home care services for elders. People with aging parents could really use this kind of help so that they can continue to go to work every day and not worry about mom or dad at home alone. We can do that now, but it costs a fortune. Harris doesn’t just talk about a plan; she talks about how she can implement the plan. In the case of expanded Medicare, she wants to lower government spending on prescription drug prices. She was instrumental in lowering the price of insulin, so why not other medicines? Whatever we can do to save money and enhance the lives of others is worth it. Harris’s proposal is to cover long-term, in-home services like home health aides who assist with grooming and cooking meals. What a blessing this would be for so many families. It is yet another reason that we need Kamala Harris in the White House. We’ve had enough corruption in office, and we don’t want it ever again.

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