Something is wrong with Donald Trump

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I’ve been mulling it over lately. I’ve been mulling over how Donald Trump‘s life would be so different if somebody close to him would have told him the truth. Think about it. We always know where to find Donald Trump in the evening, don’t we? e’s on truth social of course! Raging and screaming, and cussing, giving off so much anger, so much anger, a writhing baby of rage. So why hasn’t anyone tried to talk to him? Why hasn’t any of his so-called friends or
family members sat him down and looked at him soberly, and said three words: You need help.

And yet it doesn’t happen. I doubt Donald Trump would ever listen anyway as it’s not in him to listen, but one would think that there would be somebody in his life that would give enough of a shit to tell him how badly he’s screwing up. There is no possible way that anyone could look at him and not know he’s insane.

But it makes me wonder if many years ago, somebody close to him had made a move to talk to him. I doubt he would’ve listened. But at least the effort would’ve been made. But since it doesn’t appear that any such efforts were made, we will always know where Donald Trump is every evening he will be yelling and lying and screaming. What a sad, sad life.

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