Something is happening here

Is it happening? Could it be happening? As the last days of Beautiful October sing their melancholy farewell and November moves into place, something appears to be happening. “55 percent.” It is happening across all swing states. Indeed, it is happening across the country. “Electrifying.” What is this jewelry box of luscious good news? It’s about WOMEN, of course. “Shocking woman surge.”
There seems to be a heavy—very heavy—ESPECIALLY heavy turnout of female early voters, and everybody is talking about it. “Good sign for Harris.” As of this writing, there is a 10-point gender gap. “Women account for roughly 55 percent of the vote.” “Men are around 45 percent.”
Something is happening. Women are turning out — and then some. “Defining feature of the 2024 campaign.” There does NOT appear to be any surge in MALE voting, at least not right now. Issac Saul from Tangle News said that in Pennsylvania, Democratic woman voters who did not vote in 2020 make up roughly a third of the state’s early votes this year.
It’s not time to sing Kumbaya yet, but this is good news — very good news — for the Democratic party, and good news must always be written about. The tendrils of sunlight are uncurling with each female vote. “Best news for Democrats in weeks.”
Women are racing to vote as the statement below shows. “Larger margin than they did in 2020.” This is just excellent news, and hopefully, it’ll get even MORE wonderful as the election moves toward its final conclusion.
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Much thanks,
Bill Palmer
Palmer Report