Some Russian soldiers feel “duped” by Putin

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This is according to some of the Russian soldiers who are now in captivity. Per Busines Insider, soldiers were not told the truth about their mission. “Duped into fighting” is what they are calling it. According to some of these soldiers, many of them did not even know they were heading into war.

One soldier, a captured lieutenant, reportedly did not have any awareness at all about fighting Ukraine. He learned of it only the night before the invasion. And many soldiers, especially at the rank of sergeant, did not know what they were doing and where they were going at all. They only learned of their ultimate mission AFTER crossing the border.

We are receiving many reports like this, and it is not hard to believe, at least for me. Some pundits appear shocked. I say, why would anyone be shocked? Why would a narcissistic sociopathic killing machine ever be honest with his military?

The man lies easily and often and does not appear to even care about his own people who are suffering tremendously, so why would he give a damn about his military? Many of the captured soldiers are reportedly furious — but not at their captors — at Putin.

“I didn’t know why I was there.”

“I was duped.”

“There is no morale.”

Reports of these words are pouring out, and as days darken and the mists of new mornings arrive, we know one thing almost certainly. Nobody wants this war. Nobody needs this war. And most everybody condemns this war — except for one person. That, of course, is Putin — a man ravaged by evil, insanity, and who is alone.

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