So much for Donald Trump’s new campaign manager

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When Donald Trump ousted his campaign manager Brad Parscale, we were at least slightly concerned. Parscale was laughably incompetent and he was helping cost Trump the election, but what if the new guy ended up being less incompetent? So far it very much appears that’s not the case.

In the three weeks since Donald Trump replaced Parscale with Bill Stepien, Trump’s behavior toward reelection has become even more erratic and unfocused. Trump threatened to magically postpone the election, which managed to make him look corrupt for suggesting it, and weak for not being able to get anywhere with the threat. And now Trump is calling last minute press conferences at his golf resort, in defiance of any possible strategy.

Trump has also done disastrous interviews with the likes of Chris Wallace and Jonathan Swan since changing campaign managers. From Trump’s point of view, neither of those interviews should ever have been booked. Trump may have been chasing credibility by sitting down with respected interviewers, but instead he merely fed himself to the lions.

Nothing that Donald Trump has tried over the past three weeks has helped him one bit. Either his new campaign manager is every bit as incompetent as the last one, or Trump is ignoring everything the new guy is saying. Either way, so much for the notion that a new campaign manager would help turn Trump’s sagging fortunes around.

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