So much for Chuck Schumer not knowing what he’s doing

The minute the Democrats won the Georgia special election and gained 50-50 “majority” control over the Senate, the doomsday pundits began insisting that incoming Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer was an inept idiot and weakling who had no idea what he was doing. Of course liberal pundits only push these kinds of narratives so they can paint themselves as being smarter and savvier than Schumer, and in reality the anti-Schumer narratives have turned out to be bunk.
This week the Democrats have been focusing on the messaging that in their first year together, President Joe Biden and Chuck Schumer’s Senate have confirmed more than twice as many federal judges as Donald Trump and Mitch McConnell did in their first year together. That’s right, Schumer has been running circles around McConnell’s pace.
This news has come as a shocking surprise to a lot of folks, because most of the media has spent all year conveniently ignoring it, since it didn’t fit with their “Democrats are doing nothing” narrative. And most liberal pundits have spent all year ignoring it, because it disproved their “Schumer is an inept weakling” narrative.
For that matter, you have to ask yourself why the media (on the left and right) spent the Trump-McConnell era obsessively shouting about how many judges were being confirmed, only to turn around and spend the Biden-Schumer era mostly ignoring the fact that more than twice as many judges are being confirmed.
The cold hard reality is that there’s no easier way to rack up ratings, page views, and retweets than by convincing liberal audiences that they’re losing. The good news is that when it comes to federal judges, the Democrats are clearly winning. The bad news is that most of the media and the pundits are as willing to bullshit us with doomsday hysteria as ever.