So much for Bill Barr

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Because Bill Barr is essentially the only member of the Trump White House who’s ever scored a win for Donald Trump, Barr has gained something of a reputation for being an evil wizard with a magic wand who can pull off any corrupt thing he wants. The thing is, the evidence increasingly says the opposite.

Yes, Bill Barr started off with an unfortunate bang when he doctored the Mueller Report and got the media to temporarily fall for it. But in hindsight, Barr’s stunt only worked because a visibly fading Robert Mueller was unwilling or unable to publicly push back. Since that time Barr has failed in just about every important move he’s tried to make.

Barr leaked that he was indicting Trump nemesis Andrew McCabe, but later had to admit in court filings that no such case even existed. Barr tried to get Roger Stone off the hook, but the judge gave him a multi-year prison sentence anyway. Now Barr has tried to get Michael Flynn off the hook, and it’s prompted the judge in the case to blow the whole thing up in Barr’s face.

Bill Barr is dangerous, because of his willingness to keep trying brazenly corrupt stunts. But he also keeps proving that he’s not very good at this. Of course all that matters to him is whether his failed antics are enough to snow an increasingly senile Donald Trump into believing that Barr is useful to him. But so much for the notion that Barr is some kind of evil genius.

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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