Samuel Alito goes off the deep end in bizarre dissent

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

The dark and burning candle that is the soul of extreme court justice Samuel Alito was in full flame mode on Wednesday as the court released an opinion with Alito dissenting in a VERY loud way. The case was about the Biden administration moderating dishonest COVID disinformation on platforms like Facebook.

The court threw out the lawsuit, saying the plaintiffs had no standing. Three dissenters were present: Neil Gorsuch, Clarence Thomas, and a VERY angry upside-down flag flyer. Alito, appearing to cease all attempts at acting like a neutral party, railed against the Biden administration, calling them ” a campaign to coerce facebook,” showing us what we’ve long known — Alito is a political hack not a judge,

Check out what Alito said. Check it out because if one didn’t know , it would seem like Fox non-news or the House Republican caucus could have written it.

“For months, high-ranking Government officials placed unrelenting pressure on Facebook to suppress America’s free speech.” No really! The man actually WROTE this. “Because the Court unjustifably refuses to address this serious threat to the first amendment, I respectfully dissent.”

Respect, Sammy? You don’t sound respectful. You sound like you’re losing. You sound like the partisan hack that you are. Alito’s utterly classless reply shows that he is a little child throwing a BIG tantrum when he doesn’t get his way. What’s a witch fanatic to do?

Candles seem to be the theme of this article, as the writer compares Alito’s soul—or lack thereof — to a dark and burning candle. Some people in this world are just like that. Some people — and I include Alito in this — seem like relics from another century.

They don’t quite fit in this world; they seem to have traveled here through a time machine, from another century. In Alito’s case, that would be the Dark Ages. He is not quite tethered to reality, is he? He doesn’t seem to universally understand that it is the year 2024. It is hard for me to envision Alito ever smiling. But WE are.

Because this was a big win for President Biden. Alito can continue burning the midnight oil and cursing the darkness, but he can’t hold a candle to President Biden or many other justices. He’s out of place, though I suppose that’s what happens to strangers in strange lands who endlessly long for the past- for a time that is not coming back now or ever again.

Dear Palmer Report readers: I don't like asking, but we need to raise $4,766 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer