Sleepy Donald Trump can’t even keep his eyes open as criminal trial takes profoundly ugly turn for him
Donald Trump’s criminal trial just keeps going even worse for him. Today attorney Keith Davidson took the stand and corroborated in advance the testimony that Stormy Daniels, Karen McDougal, and Michael Cohen are about to give. This is making it very easy for the jury to find its way to a conviction.
Trump, for his part, can’t even bear to watch. Then again, he has spent much of this trial asleep – something that the Biden campaign keeps seizing upon:
Hunt: Our reporters are saying Trump is sitting next to his lawyer with his eyes closed
Tapper: Which doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s sleeping, but he has been known to fall asleep in this trial
— Kamala HQ (@KamalaHQ) April 30, 2024
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report