Sit this one out…
The upcoming Trump inauguration, a probable nauseating event, might be missing a few important people. Reportedly, quite a few Democrats plan to “sit it out”—meaning they won’t show up at all. More than a dozen reportedly have said they do not plan to attend.
Others are grappling with the whole thing. Should I or shouldn’t I? To go or not to go? That is the question. I say — stay home. This event is going to be a vulgar and gross display of all things Trump. I may watch it to report on it, but that doesn’t mean you have to. Nor does it mean any Democrat who is not comfortable attending should.
This is a man who still has not conceded the 2020 election! His disrespect is his calling card. WHY, would anyone who does not firmly want to be there go at all? It is also reported that Democrats have whispered about a formal boycott.
I think it’s a great idea. It would also help fuel the wheels of their voters, who have had a tough time since the election. People would cheer if Democrats sat it out; this writer thinks they should. This is a man who tried to end democracy as we know it. His criminality is a scarlet letter that is glued to him, but he wears it with pride, not shame.
Bennie Thompson of Mississippi had the following to say: “For someone who said he’s going to lock me up I don’t see the excitement in going.” Nor do I. Nor do many democrats. Sit this one out, fellow Democrats. Axios says up to 50 House Democrats may boycott. Also, almost a dozen Senators are mulling over not going.
Leave Trump be. Sit it out and let the scarlet letter of C — for “criminal,” for “convict,” , for :”crazy,” let it bloom wildly. You have no reason to be there, to watch this stranger to America unleash the vulgarity that always follows him whenever he chooses to walk.