“SICK SMILE” – Donald Trump goes completely off the deep end

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Now that Donald Trump has become a convicted felon, we’re all waiting to see how much support it costs him among non-base Republicans, and just how much more shaky his political delusions are about to become. In the meantime Trump is trying to find a silver lining in the destruction of his life, by attempting to fundraise off his own conviction.

The trouble: Trump is so far gone cognitively, even his fundraising messages read like something thrown together by malfunctioning AI. Trump sent this text out to supporters this weekend: “Biden’s SICK SMILE at me being a Political Prisoner! This will make your blood boil. OPEN WITH CAUTION.”

When you click on the link, it’s simply an image of President Biden smiling, which Trump falsely claims is Biden’s reaction to a question about Trump becoming a political prisoner. This is how desperately absurd Trump is getting in the wake of his criminal conviction. It means we have to help President Biden out-fundraise Trump, which you can do by donating here.

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