Should have seen that coming

When the news broke that the State Department Inspector General was investigating Mike Pompeo for corruptly wasting government resources on things like dog walking at the time Donald Trump and Pompeo fired him, we were left to wonder why they would risk committing a felony by firing a guy over a dog walking investigation. We should have known another shoe was about to drop.
Now it turns out the Inspector General was investigating a whole lot more than dog walking. The IG was also probing Mike Pompeo’s scheme to do billions of dollars of arms business with Saudi Arabia, according to the Washington Post, none of which was done through the proper channels. This makes more sense.
Donald Trump is literally owned by the Saudi royal family, and he’s been abusing his office to give one favorable arms deal to the Saudis after another. So it makes sense that Trump and Mike Pompeo would risk committing the felony of ousting the Inspector General and creating such an ugly scandal for themselves in the process. They were trying to bury the evidence trail financially connecting Trump to the murderous Saudi Crown Prince.
The kicker is that by firing the Inspector General, Trump and Pompeo have merely pushed the Saudi arms probe into the headlines. We don’t know if the IG report would have come out before the election or not, but now it’s an election scandal. These guys are as stupid as they are corrupt.