“Shame on Donald Trump”

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.

“SHAME ON TRUMP!” “Shame on Trump” for lying about relief. Hurricane relief. The editorial board of The Charlotte Observer offered a scathing attack on Felon Trump for lying about hurricane relief. For shame, Donald Trump, for shame. All these states are doing is trying to pick up the pieces. So many people lost their homes. Some lost their lives. Donald Trump doesn’t care.

The Raleigh News & Observer also published this pulsating editorial. Donald Trump is being shamed in the one swing state he must win. From the article: “Shame on Donald Trump for worsening NC’s Helene tragedy with political lies.”

The article accuses Felon of “spreading falsehoods and conspiracies that fracture the community instead of bringing it together.” For shame, Felon. There is no decency in the Republican nominee for President. It’s a compelling and honest takedown of the worst man to ever run for President. Every word is true.

The naivete surrounded so very many has been shattered. Donald Trump is capable of anything. He is a human time bomb ticking away and were he to be elected, he’d murder the hopes, the dreams, and the health of many. For shame indeed.

The article corrects Trump on virtually everything, stating that state and federal agencies have been hard at work trying to get the people affected what they need. “Trump’s claims are as hypocritical as they are harmful,” the article says.

“Let’s be clear: Western North Carolina is not a political football.” They’re right. It isn’t. But Trump and his merry band of psychopaths and losers have tried to make it one.

I will conclude this essay with the following: Donald John Trump is a violent and sadistic garbage bin, a ruthless and cowardly idiot, a mad wanna-be emperor with no low too low for him to descend into, a pathetic trash heap of a human being, a live orange fallacy with a mouth that spews out nothing but garbage, and takes in nothing but junk, all while doing its very best to bring down the American people into its darkness.

This will never happen, not in a million years. Thank you to this editorial board who can recognize sociopathy for what it is — and call it out. Donate now

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Please consider donating $25.