Senile idiot Donald Trump can’t just help himself
On each of the first two days of his criminal trial, Donald Trump reportedly dozed off at the defendant’s table. This is a trial that could land Trump in prison, end his political ambitions, or both, and yet he can’t even stay awake for it. His lack of interest, and seeming lack of understanding of what’s even happening around him, points to his senility being worse than ever.
Then today, the third day of the trial, Trump incredibly pulled out his phone and started checking it during the trial. This sounds like something from the Onion, but this is an actual sentence from NBC News today: “Trump is using his phone in the courtroom, openly flouting the rules of the courtroom. Blanche just told him to stop and Trump tucked the phone in his pocket while looking annoyed.”
We’re going to see this sort of thing spun as Trump showing how defiant he is, and how much he’s not worried about the trial, because he’s going to magically get away with it all anyway. But let’s get real: this kind of behavior is mentally incompetent. If Trump had any brain cells left, he’d know how embarrassing it makes him look when he keeps falling asleep in court. And checking his phone is just absurd.
This all points to Trump’s worsening dementia. Keep in mind that this is the first time in a very long time that Trump has been on public display for more than an hour or two at a time. Usually he just does a rally speech and then disappears behind the curtain again. But in this trial, Trump is on public display for about eight hours a day. And the result is that he can’t stay awake, can’t focus, and seems to keep forgetting that he’s on trial. It’s all highly consistent with what you’d expect from a patient with severe dementia.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report